The National Shooting Centre (“NSC”) opens normally on - Tuesday and Thursday from 9am to 2pm, and - Saturday and Sunday from 9am to 6pm.
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1.      Purpose

The purpose of these standing orders is to ensure the safe, proper and efficient use of the shooting facilities available at the National Shooting Centre (“NSC”). The estate belongs to the Sport Singapore (“Sport SG”) who has appointed the Singapore Shooting Association (“SSA”) as the interim Managing Agent for the purpose of promoting shooting as a sport and pursuing shooting excellence in Singapore. SSA acts as the Centre Manager and is charged with the duties of ensuring legitimate and responsible utilization of the estate. Only member clubs/associations of SSA (“SSA Members”) and their respective members in good standing, and entities that are approved by SSA are accorded the privileges and enjoyment of the facilities in NSC.

2.      Application

All individuals at NSC are to adhere to NSC Standing Orders. This version of the standing orders is effective upon receipt and supersedes all previously issued versions.

3.      Breach of Standing Orders

It is the responsibility of all individuals including shooters, coaches, observers, visitors, employees and contractors to ensure that these orders are enforced. Disregard for the published standing orders can impose a serious safety/security concern, and will not be tolerated. Violations will be dealt with severely. Any person who is deemed not conducting himself/herself in a respectable behavior or safe/proper manner in the absolute opinion of SSA shall be subject to immediate cessation of activity at NSC, expulsion from NSC, and/or prohibition of future use of NSC facilities.

4.      Reporting of Breaches   

All individuals are invited to report any breach of the published Standing Orders, Rules & Regulations, and General Instructions to SSA immediately at 6795-3760.

5.      Security Clearance

The admission of an individual member belonging to a Member is subject to security screening by the Singapore Police and approval by SSA. Members are to submit and update SSA, without demand, the required personal particulars of their respective individual members in a prescribed format for security clearance. The verifiable particulars include, but not necessarily limited to, name as listed in the passport, aliasidentification numbernationalitycountry of birthdate of birthgender and Member’s membership number.

6.      Admission/Eviction   

SSA or its security agent reserves the right to refuse the entry of any individual or to evict any individual based on the following circumstances:

a. Absence of prior security clearance or has no acceptable business to be in the Premises;

b. Failure to produce a photo identification for security check;

c. Failure to make his/her possessions including vehicle available for security search;

d. Failure to comply with the security instructions;

e. Possession of dangerous articles (guns, ammunitions, etc.) without permits;

f. Under the influence of alcohol or perceived to be under the influence of alcohol;

g. Inappropriate, disorderly or disrespectful behaviors including, but not limited to, threat of physical violence, verbal abuse, engaging in dangerous activities and sexual harassment; and

h. Under suspension or revocation of privileges.

7.      DOs and DON’Ts. 

a. Obey the Arms and Explosives Act (Chapter 13) and the standing Singapore Police guidelines on arms and ammunitions licensing, possession, storage, handling, use and disposal;

b. Ensure that you are at least 18 years old in order to operate any gun at the range unless otherwise granted permission by the Singapore Police;

c. Use NSC only for official work or approved shooting events;

d. Read and understand the Rules & Regulations of the specific ranges;

e. Read and understand the relevant General Instructions;

f. Familiarize with gun and ammunitions handling;

g. Operate only permitted guns (See range-specific Rules & Regulations);

h. Use only permitted ammunitions (See range-specific Rules & Regulations);

i. Wear appropriate protective attires when shooting or working;

j. Switch off all electrical devices/points after use;

k. Do NOT engage in illegal activities according to Singapore law;

l.  Do NOT operate unfamiliar arms without a qualified coach;

m. Do NOT handle any arms while under the influence of alcohol or drugs;

n. Do NOT smoke in common areas including working premises, covered walkways, waiting areas, toilets, along road etc.;

o. Do NOT litter;

p. Do NOT engage in boisterous play;

q. Do NOT damage the range or equipment due user abuse, neglect or carelessness;

r. Do NOT add to, remove, modify or vandalise SSA/Sport SG property;

s. Do NOT consume alcohol on the premises; and

t. Do NOT bring animals to NSC, with the exception of guide dogs for the blind.

8.      Range Officer

A dedicated Safety Officer (SO) shall be present during shooting unless the shooting is carried out by the national athletes registered with SSA. The SO shall need to meet the qualifying conditions set out by SSA. The appointed SO shall be the overall authority of the range/chamber and responsible for the safe conduct of the firing. The SO shall be clearly and visually identifiable.

9.      Proper Attire  

All individuals shall observe appropriate and respectful attire while engaging in shooting and maintenance activities at NSC.

a. Wear a non-bare-shoulder top;

b. Put on a bottom attire that covers down to the knees;

c. Put on covered-toe shoes, unless stated otherwise for approved discipline-specific firing or that these shoes are not appropriate for the maintenance activities; and

d. Do NOT put on attire that has camouflage patterns or displays expletives, religious and political messages, sexual overtones and the likes that are offensive, disrespectful and insensitive to other individuals.

10.    Range Rules & Regulations 

All individuals are to observe the range-specific Rules & Regulations as posted at the range or SSA Notice Board and those specified by the SO

11.    Guns and Ammunitions Restrictions

See range-specific Rules & Regulations.

12.    Handling of Guns and Ammunitions.

a. Treat all guns as LOADED at all times;

b. Abide strictly to the Standing Orders of the respective armories;

c. Receive and return guns and ammunitions from the duty armorer via the issuing counter located at the Ground Level Armory only – DO NOT STEP INSIDE THE ARMORY;

d. Sign out/in guns and ammunitions at the issuing counter;

e. Account for the signed-out guns and ammunitions at all times;

f. Move guns and ammunitions from the armory to the range and vice versa immediately and without detour;

g. Place the gun in a gun case/bag when moving it between the armory and the range’s waiting areas;

h. Do NOT leave guns and ammunitions unattended at all times;

i. Do NOT move guns and ammunitions, including empty cartridges and spent shells, out of NSC without permits from the Singapore Police and relevant Authorities;

j. Do NOT move guns and ammunitions using personal or private vehicle;

k. Do NOT move guns and ammunitions into areas other than the armory, the range and the designated passage ways for guns and ammunitions between the armory and range;

l. Do NOT use

(1) Tracer, incendiary, armor-piercing, hollow point, frangible ammunitions etc., and

(2) High-velocity ammunitions i.e. ammunitions with muzzle velocity above 655m/s and muzzle energy above 2,030 Joules;

m. Do NOT direct the gun’s barrel at any individual;

n. Do NOT direct the gun’s barrel in any direction except downrange unless permitted in a SSA-approved SSA Member-organized event with the supervision of the event official;

o. Do NOT move forward of the firing line while firing is in progress;

p. Do NOT place the finger at the trigger or inside the trigger guard when

(1) At the firing station with a loaded gun but not ready to fire

(2) At the firing station with a loaded gun when the “COMMENCE FIRING” order has not been given by the RO;

q. Do NOT load or handle any gun when there is any human activity down range or within the field of view of the shooter;

r. Load guns only at the firing points and when ready to engage the SSA-approved targets (certain paper targets, electronic targets and clay targets only);

s. Separate guns and ammunitions physically at all times until you are at the firing point and ready to shoot;

t. Stop firing when the “CEASE FIRE” or “STOP FIRING” order, or something to the effect, is issued by any individual;

u. Stop firing when there is any human activity beyond the firing line;

v. Service all guns at a designated area at the range only; and

w. Ensure that the gun is cleared of ammunitions before leaving the firing point or servicing it.

x. Ensure that the guns and ammunitions are separately stored at all times, and that the guns and ammunitions are not kept in the same storage containers.

13.    Target Type Restrictions

See range-specific Rules & Regulations.

14.    Inclement Weather Conditions

All shooters and Event Organizers shall take all necessary precautions during inclement weather conditions such that safety is not compromised.

15.    Medical  

All ranges are equipped with basic First Aid kits. All shooters shall make the effort to identify the location of the First Aid kits. For organized events, SSA Member acting as Sponsor, Event Organizer, Competition Manager or Convener shall ensure that there is an adequate medical response system, including but not restricted to on-site medic with gunshot wound/trauma capabilities and ambulance, comparable to the scale of the shooting activities that are being carried out.

16.    Medical Evacuation Protocol   

In case of a firearm incident involving injuries or fatalities or that requires an emergency medical evacuation, the RO and, in the absence of the RO, any person shall:

a. Call an immediate “CEASE FIRE AND UNLOAD”;

b. Provide First Aid to the casualty;

c. Contact 995 for an immediate response to personnel with life-threatening situations, if needed;

d. Supervise the safe handling and unloading of the guns at the range;

e. Inform SSA as soon as the situation permits;

f. Shut down the range and quarantine the guns;

g. Record details of incident including timings, situations and actions;

h. Update SSA; and

i. Submit an Incident Report (IR).

17.    Emergency Evacuation Protocol   

In case of a fire or an incident that requires an emergency evacuation of personnel, the RO and, in the absence of the RO, any person shall:

a. Call an immediate “CEASE FIRE AND UNLOAD”;

b. Contact 995 for emergency services;

c. Supervise the safe handling and unloading of the guns at the range;

d. Supervise the safe handling and unloading of the guns at the range;

e. When it is safe to do so, move quickly away from the affected area as per the building fire orders and muster in designated areas.

18.    Incident Reporting

a. An incident that may result or has resulted in fatalities or serious injuries to personnel and/or loss or serious damage to the NSC assets must be reported to SSA as soon as the situation allows;

b. Loss of firearms and ammunitions, and fatalities/injuries involving guns and ammunitions must be reported IMMEDIATELY to the Singapore Police and SSA; and

c. At the discretion of SSA, the affected person(s) or related SSA Member(s) may be required to submit a preliminary IR within 24 hours upon the occurrence or discovery of the incident, followed by a formal IR within 14 working days.

19.    Cleanliness and Tidiness.

a. Remove all expended empty cartridges from the firing points;

b. Place empty cartridges and spent shells in the designated containers;

c. Return all equipment and furniture to their original locations after use;

d. Dispose the rubbish in the trash bins provided; and

e. Remove all equipment or props including target papers and setup that do not originally belong to the range.

20.    Vehicular Traffic.  

All vehicle drivers or riders are to:

a. Observe Singapore traffic rules and regulations;

b. Observe the NSC speed limit of 20 km/h; and

c. Give way to pedestrians or vehicles that are slow moving or have lower engine capacity/horsepower.

21.    Vehicle Parking 

All vehicles are to be parked at designated car parking areas in an orderly manner. Unless otherwise stated, these include:

a. Car parking stalls (marked & unmarked) in front of SSA Building;

b. Car parking area (marked) in front at SSA Shotgun Range A and B, and

c. Car parking area (unmarked) behind the SSA Shotgun Range Office.

22.    Construction & Modification Works

No individual or organization shall construct any new range OR modify any existing range, structure or landscape within NSC without the expressed prior approval from SSA Council and Sport SG. No work shall start without the necessary written approval or permit from relevant Authorities.

23.    Disclaimer 

SSA disclaims all responsibilities for any accident, injury, loss or damage (a) arising from non-compliance with the published standing orders or breaches of agreed terms and conditions, and (b) due to the negligence of the individual or the event organizer.

24.    Custodian

SSA is the custodian of this publication and may review the publication every six monthly.

25.    Amendments

Amendments to this publication will be issued as needed at the discretion of SSA. Suggestions for amendments to strengthen the contents are invited and shall be forwarded to SSA. Only SSA shall make any modifications or changes to these orders for official publication.

Annex A   NSC Electronic Target System (ETS) Ranges Rules & Regulations (Refer to Notice Board)

Annex B   NSC Shotgun Ranges Rules & Regulations (Refer to Notice Board)

Annex C   NSC Target Practice (TP) Range Rules & Regulations (Refer to Notice Board) /-